Image of a new year clock where the 12 is replaced with 2022.

As we begin a New Year, many people set out with renewed purpose to improve certain areas
of their lives. No matter our goal – whether it be healthier eating, more exercise, or working to
save more money for the upcoming year – it all involves living a more disciplined life.

As a general rule, most people struggle to be disciplined (your pastor included). Scripture
provides us with practical advice for self-discipline and shines a light on a promise fulfilled: the
gift of the Holy Spirit who gives us the power to live disciplined lives.

Followers of Christ live a life that is radically different and counterintuitive to our own desires of
the flesh. Through the power of the Holy Spirit this impacts all areas of our life. These weeks of
January and February, we will be seeing how God’s perspective impacts the following areas in
our lives:

  • our parenting and family life,
  • our desire for God’s Word and prayer,
  • money and finances,
  • our physical health
  • marriage and friendships

By God’s grace, may we be followers of Christ who see His love, power and grace in our lives
every day in our homes, families and community.

Pastor Kirk