Adult and Family Ministries
Adult Ministry and Family Events
Living Word’s adult ministry creates opportunities to gather together through studying God’s Word, fellowship, and service. We provide a variety of men’s and women’s ministry opportunities as well as adult Sunday School classes throughout the year. There are also many ways to strengthen relationships through working together or attending a fun family event!
Adult Sunday School
Sunday School classes and Bible studies are offered at various times throughout the year. The topics vary from class to class. These studies are open to men and women of all ages and life experiences.

Women of the Word
Women of the Word (WoW) provides opportunities and events that don’t just fill time but make the most of our time together (Ephesians 5:16).
Our Mission
Our mission is to encourage opportunities for women to grow in Christ through fellowship (Ephesians 5:16), prayer, (Matthew 18:20), and service (Hebrews 10:25).

Men's Ministry
Living Word provides men, wherever they are in their walk with the Lord, an avenue to grow in faith and leadership through gatherings and Bible studies at various times of the year. Check our events calendar at the bottom of this page for more details.
Fellowship Events
Throughout the year we host a variety of family and fellowship events. Many of these events revolve around a meal, but others simply provide an opportunity to grow in community and get to know each other! We’d love to have you attend for one of these events and gatherings:
- Sunday Fellowship following the service with coffee and treats
- Advent and Lent meals on Wednesday nights
- Church on the Lawn
- Fall Sunday School Kick-off
- Family Fun Night
- Annual Valentine’s Banquet (Youth Fundraiser)
- And more!
Upcoming Events at Living Word
Check out our calendar of events and get involved.